The first photograph is the quick information workshop for the Local Library group before heading to the sight of the final performance in Barclay Mall.
The second shot is one of many taken during the performance in Barclay Mall.
Belmont has different techniques for arriving at a phrase for each performance. The phrase for the first and second performances came from workshops. During the first workshop the participants brainstormed and wrote their memories, news and historical knowledge of the Bow River on a map hand drawn by Belmont. The participants were also given index cards to complete many sentences provided by Belmont, from this information Belmont decided on the phrase for the first performance. Belmont took a larger part in pre-planning for the second performance; the workshop participants were given the start of only two sentences to complete. Cécile Belmont through her research and time spent in Calgary had the start of the phrase already chosen. The third and final phrase was taken from a newspaper clipping found by Belmont while doing her research.
When the photographs from the performances are seen together they become a poetic animation of the performances. TRUCK will have monitors set up at the reception playing a series of images from each performance. The CAMPER will also be decorated with research, collected images and items from the performances.
The reception for Letter Performance will be Monday, September 27, 2010 in Olympic Plaza from noon to 5:00pm. There will be large posters produced from each performance available at the reception.
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